Alumni Spotlight – Jason Abrams

by Alex Rotman on January 5, 2021

Jason Abrams

Owner: Pilgrim Plastics

Author: Poetry – “Truth”

Needham, MA

This weeks Caribou Alumni Spotlight is Jason Abrams.  Abrams is doing it all, he’s a published author, father of 2, owner of Pilgrim Plastics, and an avid snow skier!

Favorite Memory:

Caribou Quest was my favorite event. We had to work together to accomplish each quest. The event surrounded the entire acreage of the camp pushing our limits to places like Witches Cove, where we were forced to overcome any fears by knowing our friends were right there with us. The bonds we created through these moments were unbreakable.


Caribou taught me how to be part of a team. Our days started and ended with doing things together. Whether it was learning how to work together to win a game or putting together skit night, we always had to have each other’s backs. We learned how to concede to a better idea that would help us succeed and when it was important to push through with our own ideas.

Bill and Martha always showed us support through their dedication to making camp great everyday. My parents knew Caribou was the right place for me, and I couldn’t be more thankful to them for allowing me the opportunity to be at such a wonderful place during my summers.

Favorite Piece of Life Advice:

My mother told me at a young age to never tell someone I love them unless I mean it, and that has stuck with me my whole life. It taught me to understand how important relationships are and how to value them by putting my heart into everything I do.

My father always made sure that hard work was the foundation of my life. As a young man he always taught me that if I work hard, things would always work out. I take that into my daily life and try to teach my children the importance of working hard.