Our Program

Our program offers a wealth of activities and programs. Most mornings, campers rotate with their bunk through three one-hour instructional periods. Over the course of a week, this exposes them to all the camp’s land and water sports, its extensive ropes course with high and low elements, as well as creative and culinary arts (see a sample daily schedule).

This instruction uncovers new interests that campers often pursue in the afternoon, when they select three activities of their own. These “electives” change daily and allow campers to be self-directed.

Having had Caribou in our family since 1968, we are confident that boys learn best with this combination of instructional and elective time.

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Caribou campers develop increased confidence as our experienced staff teaches them new skills and helps them improve existing strengths.

Parents often ask, “Who is the typical Caribou kid?”

Our answer is always that we attract the “what’s next?” kids—kids who love to learn and be active, are willing to try new things, and respond very well to the positive reinforcement of their counselors and peers.

Caribou boys are fun-loving, warm, and welcoming.

They represent a cross section of athletic abilities, very similar to a school classroom. Some are gifted athletes, some are boys with growing interest and skills in various sports, and some are just learning and beginning to develop. The only prerequisite is that they are interested in learning and love to play.

Camp Caribou boys are also known for their excellent sportsmanship. Our philosophy is that we win with class and we lose with class.

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