Bull Crew Goes Hard
It may be cold, it may be wet, but nothing is stopping this bull crew. What’s good Caribou Nation?!?!?! The Bull Crew is almost complete as Al and Kirsty have arrived on the Bou late last night. They just came off a year of traveling and seeing some Caribou people all over South Africa and Europe. But as Al said to us today, “I just needed my slice of heaven in 2011 already.” Well he got it!!!!
Today… Bill, Raffa, and Transporter got into beast mode and cut 4 truck loads of wood from the new archery field. Al and Rotman got their Mr. Clean on and situated all the bunks. And Lori and Kirsty held down the office like there was no tomorrow. The final piece to the Bull Crew, Bobby L., will be arriving on Thursday, and then we will be kicking on all cylinders. Martha and Jerry say hi to everyone. Keep in touch, 38 days and counting…..