Camp Caribou – Alumni Winter Newsletter

by Jerry Lerman on January 12, 2024

 Camp Caribou Alumni Winter Newsletter 

“Unforgettable Summers” 

Since 1922

100 Years! Alumni Reunion Celebration

What a joy it was to have so many fantastic alumni back on the Caribou peninsula for the 100 Year Reunion! We are truly blessed and thankful for our Caribou family. It was a day filled with immense joy and unforgettable memories.

Deep appreciation to all of those that were able to make it and share the intergenerational magic of Caribou with their family and friends.


We missed those of you that could not be there, and wanted to remind you that you are welcome to visit if you are ever in Maine! To view event photos, click here.  Special thanks to our Caribou photographer Samantha Yanofsky @slyphotography!

Alumni Outreach/Refer a Friend!

Jerry and the Caribou team are actively in the midst of an ongoing Alumni outreach, and would love to catch up if you haven’t already heard from us! We enjoy hearing what people are up to nowadays! Please feel free to forward any contact information of bunkmates or co counselors that are not currently receiving our communications as well. Follow us on social to reconnect and network with other alumni @campcaribou @campcariboualumni. 

As we all know, camp is a life changing experience and we hope to share it with as many families as possible. If you, or any family/friends have a future camper please feel free to contact Bobby Lerman: to chat or arrange a tour this summer. We offer an alumni family credit, and you can find our Refer a Friend form here! Thank you in advance for your referrals.

Facility Updates

The projects never stop here at Camp Caribou! We are currently in the process of a full renovation of our camp kitchen, a new outdoor basketball court as well as a new health center/front office! We can’t wait to utilize these new facilities this summer. Below are some photos of the progress we have been making on each of these new projects.

Kitchen/Serving Line:


Health Center:

Outdoor Basketball Court:


We send you our best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year. Please reach out if you would like to come see us this summer! Big hugs to all, Bou Yah!

Warm Regards,

The Camp Caribou Family

Bill, Martha, Lori, Alex, Bobby & Jerry